Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Land of the Silver Apples

Title: The Land of the Silver Apples
Author: Nancy Farmer

What it's about: When a midwinter ceremony goes wrong, Jack, his sister, and the Bard head for a monastery in order to find a way to drive out the evil spirits. However, there's more than meets the eye there, and Jack is soon drawn into another quest in a fantastic land. Accompanied by friends new and old, he must rescue those trapped in the land of the silver apples and lead his company back to freedom.

What I thought: Another gripping tale mixing mythologies into an exciting adventure. Characters from the first book get more development, and the characters newly introduced in this book can't be found lacking in development and personality either. Same good quality of writing and descriptions, nice mix of humor and seriousness, and the way the story flows is interesting, with danger and unexpected occurrences.

Overall: A worthy sequel to The Sea of Trolls.

Last book in this series apparently comes out some time this year, too. Rawk.

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